Dementia / Alzheimer’s Care
Experienced, Compassionate Help
Whether it’s Alzheimer’s Disease, Vascular Dementia, or Lewy Body Dementia, we know what it’s like to be in your shoes. Being a family member of a loved one with dementia is NOT easy. It can be incredibly exhausting, frustrating, stressful, and more. We also know what it’s like for your loved one and how to care for them. In almost all cases, both the family member(s) and patient could desperately use some quality help.
Ease your worry and burden by letting us provide personalized care for your loved one in their own home!
Dementia Educator
Brett is a trained dementia educator with the Alzheimer’s Association and loves helping to educate folks on dementia. Want him to come speak to your group and provide dementia education? Give us a call and he’d be glad!
Do you need a full night of uninterrupted sleep?
We can provide a trustworthy caregiver to relieve you of all your nightly duties for your loved one. A full night’s sleep is priceless!
Do you need ongoing daytime care while you’re at work or otherwise busy?
We can provide a trustworthy caregiver so you can go to work without having to worry about your loved one. It’s possible again to freely live your life!
Do you need relief from time-to-time so you can leave the house and do the things you want and need to do?
We can relieve you and ensure your loved one is still well taken care of. You can leave the house with total peace-of-mind and enjoy yourself!
Do you need 24/7 around-the-clock care?
We can provide that as well! Staying at home as opposed to going to a facility can be greatly beneficial for someone with dementia. Sometimes, there’s a decline in health when someone with dementia moves, not to mention the difficulty with adjusting to a new environment. We can ensure your loved one is well taken care of with 24-Hour Care from now until their end of life!
Are you feeling run down, stressed, or overwhelmed while caring for a loved one?
If your answer is yes, then let this be your sign to seek help.
YOUR physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being is equally as important as theirs. And as you probably know, unfortunately as time goes on, the level and amount of care for someone with dementia only increases.
We recommend finding some quality help. We’d be happy to talk with you, help you explore your options, and advise you on the best path for your situation. We do free consultations. Just give us a call. We’re glad to help!